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​Photo Credit: Neil Bromley



My Family Tree Research


This page includes information on how to find and access my family tree database.  Researching my ancestry and family tree has been my most passionate and primary hobby for many years.  As a result of having a website since the onset of my research, I’ve dialogued with dozens of distant cousins, and some have even provided me with photographs of my ancestors that my family had never seen.  Though I do not descend from anyone that is even close to being remotely famous, it does not change the fact that I find it fascinating to research my family tree.  There are “skeletons in the closet” of every family tree, and I’ve learned many interesting, scandalous, and crazy stories about my ancestors and relatives.  Though I am not a professional or certified genealogist, I have diligently learned to apply the same type of recognized principles and standards of proof to my research methods.  The photo above is from Neil Bromley, who offers professional calligraphy services and prints for sale.  It is intended as some dry humor, as I do not descend from royalty or anyone remotely famous.



Family Tree Database


Listed below are links to my family tree database.  My chosen methodology for compiling my family tree is using Family Tree Maker (FTM) software, which syncs my tree with the Ancestry website.  One clear advantage of the Ancestry website is the ability to link each person to source records, as well as uploading and sharing countless photos and documents.  One major flaw of the Ancestry website is that it does not display any notes from Family Tree Maker.  This is something that I find immensely frustrating as I compile extensive chronological research notes for every person in my database.  For the purpose of sharing my research notes, I also have my database available on other websites.  If you are curious of my relation or interest to a specific individual, simply ask me.


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Ancestry Family Tree Database

My family tree database is publicly available on the Ancestry website, and includes source information and any photographs that I have gathered in my research.


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Geneanet Family Tree Database

My family tree database is publicly available on the Geneanet website, and contains my detailed chronological research notes on the profile page of each person.


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RootsFinder Family Tree Database

My family tree database is publicly available on the RootsFinder website, and contains my detailed chronological research notes at the bottom of the profile page of each person.




DNA Testing


This section contains information on the application of DNA testing to my family tree research.  The table below lists the family members that have been DNA tested by test provider and test type.  The most common test type is an Autosomal DNA (atDNA) test, and AncestryDNA has the largest number of people tested, and 23andMe is the second largest.  The application of DNA matches to my research is very thorough and deliberate.  The descent of each match was researched using records and documentation that meet recognized genealogical standards of proof, and the DNA matches were then carefully analyzed and applied within that context.


Test Provider

Family Members Tested

Autosomal DNA (atDNA)​

  • Self

  • Father

  • Mother

  • Paternal Uncle

  • Paternal Uncle

  • Paternal Aunt

  • Maternal Aunt

Autosomal DNA (atDNA)​​

via upload of raw data from AncestryDNA

  • Self

  • Father

  • Mother

  • Paternal Uncle

  • Paternal Uncle

  • Paternal Aunt

  • Maternal Aunt

Autosomal DNA (atDNA)​

  • Self

Autosomal DNA (atDNA)​

  • Self

Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA)

  • Self

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

  • Self

Test Type



Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) Testing


The Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) test can only be taken by a male family member.  The test examines the Y-Chromosome of DNA which is transmitted from father to son, generation by generation, and enables the tracing of a common paternal ancestor.  The results of my Y-DNA test with FamilyTreeDNA indicate that my DNA is from Haplogroup R-M269.  This Haplogroup is the dominant lineage today in all of Western Europe, and is also found in low frequencies in Turkey and the northern Fertile Crescent.  The application of this test to my research has been very limited.



Listed below is further information about Y-Chromosome DNA and my Haplogroup R-M269.




Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Testing


Any family member can take a Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test.  This particular type of test examines the Mitochondrial DNA which is transmitted from mother to child, generation by generation, and enables the tracing of common maternal ancestors.  The results of my Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test with FamilyTreeDNA indicate that my DNA is from Haplogroup R, and more specifically R1a1a2.  Haplogroup R dates from approximately 65,000 years ago, and is called a superhaplogroup as it gave rise to many of the major haplogroups distributed across Europe and Asia.  The application of this test to my research has been limited.



Listed below is further information about Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and my Haplogroup R.


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